A law firm dedicated to resolving your legal disputes
Mindful of the continuously evolving nature of the law, we constantly update our knowledge base in order to offer our clients accurate and forward-looking legal analysis.
Resolution Legal Partners lawyers strive to provide outstanding legal advice and representation to all our clients. We understand that all cases are unique and we focus on providing tailored, effective solutions to help our clients achieve their goals.
Founded on a shared vision and with a human-sized structure, our law firm assists you in the resolution of civil and commercial litigations, as well as in white-collar crime.
Enseignement - 18 October 2023
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que notre associé Me Marc-Henri Fragnière enseignera les droits réels durant trois journées (21, 27 et 28 octobre) sur le site de l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), dans le cadre du CAS en droit de l’expertise immobilière organisé par l’Institut de droit de la construction (IDC) de l’Université de Fribourg.