Our practice is focused on our areas of expertise
Our practice is primarily focused on the resolution of civil and commercial disputes, including litigation, and on white-collar crime.
Commercial disputes
We assist our clients in all aspects of business formation and address all business-related issues, including but not limited to contractual and commercial disputes, shareholder and executive disputes, as well as board of directors liability issues and challenge of decisions of the general meeting. We also represent clients in disputes pertaining to corporate acquisition and unfair competition. Our expertise serves the multifaceted issues in the development of our SME clients and the assets of their founders or executives.
« Capital-actions d’une SA de famille : Structure, contrôle et pérennité »
Conference held on the occasion of the annual training day on family companies, on 11 October 2012, organized by the ”Académie de la Chambre fiduciaire” (EXPERTsuisse).
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Transfert des actions dans les sociétés anonymes de famille : conventions de blocage entre actionnaires »
in L’Expert-comptable suisse (Expert Focus), 2010, pp. 376 ss.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Succession dans les sociétés anonymes de famille : aspects choisis »
in L’Expert-comptable suisse (Expert Focus), 2012, pp. 153 ss.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Sociétés anonymes de famille : Structure, maintien et optimisation de la détention du capital »
2nd edition, Schulthess, Geneva/Zurich/Basel, 2013 (1st edition, 2009).
- Françoise Martin Antipas
Real estate disputes
Our lawyers have a recognized expertise in construction and real estate law. We thus provide counsel on acquisition, sale projects, lease agreements and disputes, and we offer representation in litigation matters ranging from joint ownership to public procurement, statutory lien, and construction agreements.
« A qui incombe le respect des règles de l’art de construire dont la violation est réprimée
par l’art 229 CP? »
in Droit de la construction 2017, pp. 165 ss (avec Bertrand Perrin).
- Pascal de Preux
Labour law
Resolution Legal Partners has experience representing and counseling businesses and individuals alike in all aspects of employment and labour matters. Our team has in-depth expertise in drafting and reviewing contractual and corporate documents – including staff regulations – as well as in prevention, management and resolution of conflicts. We also assist all types of businesses regularly or occasionally, and notably in implementing compensation and stock option plans, working time management, policies regarding mass redundancies, labour lease, etc. We advise and represent clients in court proceedings and employers to lead internal procedures and investigations.
« Articles 333, 333a et 333b CO »
(transfert des rapports de travail), in Commentaire du contrat de travail, 2e édition, Stämpfli, Berne, 2022 - Françoise Martin Antipas
« Concurrence déloyale »
Enseignement à la formation CAS / FSA Droit du travail le 7 avril 2022 - Françoise Martin Antipas
« Réflexions autour de l’égalité salariale: Formes de rémunération et contrôles »
in Juristinnen Schweiz (édit.), Recht und Geschlecht: Herausforderungen der Gleichstellung - Quelques réflexions 50 ans après le suffrage des femmes, Zurich/St-Gall 2022, pp. 121 ss - Françoise Martin Antipas
« Droit du travail: Implications du Covid-19 en droit du travail »
Co-présentation le 8 octobre 2021 lors du séminaire annuel de l'association romande des spécialistes FSA de droit du travail (ARoSDT) - Françoise Martin Antipas
« Conflits d’intérêts d’employés et conventions de départ de dirigeants : arrêts récents choisis du Tribunal fédéral »
in Bulletin n° 80 of the Centre du droit de l'entreprise (CEDIDAC) of the University of Lausanne.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« La mention des absences et de leur cause dans le certificat de travail, le cas de la grossesse et de la maternité – Commentaire de l’arrêt du Tribunal fédéral 8C_134/2018, Newsletter DroitDuTravail.ch octobre 2018 »
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Certificats de travail »
in Les certificats dans les relations de travail, Schulthess, Zurich, 2018, pp. 11 ss.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Certificats de travail »
Conference held on the occasion of the annual training day on employment law, on 23 March 2018, organized by the “Centre d’étude des relations de travail” (CERT) of the University of Neuchatel.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Droit suisse impératif du contrat de travail international »
in Panorama III en droit du travail: Recueil d’études réalisées par des praticiens, Stämpfli, Bern, 2017, pp. 723 ss.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Contrat de travail »
Conference held on the occasion of the annual day on the agreements of the business practice, on 28 October 2014, organized by the ”Académie de la Chambre fiduciaire” (EXPERTsuisse).
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Articles 333 et 333a CO »
(transfer of the employment relationship), in Commentaire du contrat de travail, Stämpfli, Bern, 2013 (with Jean-Luc Chenaux).
- Françoise Martin Antipas
Sport law
Resolution Legal Partners consults on sport law and sports-related matters, and represents athletes, managers and leaders, as well as federations in judicial and arbitral proceedings. Our expertise ranges from dealing with associative and organizational matters related to sport regulatory bodies and contractual issues, including sponsorship agreements to the criminal defense of doping, bribery, and money laundering cases (see “White-collar crime”).
Banking litigation
We advise individuals and companies in banking litigations. We also assist clients in asset management and investment advice issues. Furthermore, our team has a significant experience in liability for fraudulent transactions, namely in cases of hacking.
Data protection
Data protection being a constantly developing field, our firm guides you through this challenging landscape. We help corporate clients achieve and maintain compliance with data protection laws, as well as individuals prevent a breach of their personal rights and personal data. Our expertise ranges from claims raised against IT platforms to cybersecurity. Data protection entails also data management in a labour and employment law context and we advise clients accordingly.
Social security
We assist individuals and businesses alike on matters pertaining to social and private insurances, notably in relation to employment and labour matters where we have expertise on domestic as well as on cross-borders issues.
« Eclairages actuels en droit du travail et en assurances sociales »
Conference held during WEKA's day on Finance and Tax on December 3, 2019.
- Françoise Martin Antipas
« Révision de la LPP : quelques notes introductives »
in Nouveautés en matière de prévoyance professionnelle, Stämpfli, Bern, 2007, pp. 1 ss (with Bettina Kahil-Wolff and Emmanuelle Simonin).
- Françoise Martin Antipas
White-collar crime
Money laundering
We assist and represent individuals as well as legal entities subject to and under criminal investigation for money laundering before state and federal authorities. Our comprehensive experience includes ensuring compliance with the Federal Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA). We collaborate with a worldwide network of leading law firms when faced with cross-border investigations.
« Commentaire des arrêts 6B_1208/2018 et 6B_1209/2018 du 6 août 2019 en matière de blanchiment d’argent en relation avec la confiscation de valeurs patrimoniales issues d’un crime commis à l’étranger »
iusNet StrafR-StrafPR 28.08.2019 (avec Daniel Trajilovic)
- Pascal de Preux
« Blockchain et lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, Le nouveau paradoxe ? »
in Expert Focus, 1-2, 2018, pp. 64 ss.
- Pascal de Preux
« L’impact du droit européen sur le droit pénal matériel suisse dans le domaine de la criminalité économique »
in L'influence du droit européen en Turquie et en Suisse, 2015, pp. 335 ss (avec Bertrand Perrin).
- Pascal de Preux
« Le lésé et la partie plaignante en blanchiment d’argent »
in Blanchiment d'argent: actualité et perspectives suisses et internationales, Actes de l'ILCE, 2014, pp. 129 ss.
- Pascal de Preux
« La responsabilité pénale de l’association – Principes et risques d’exposition du secteur sportif et du football en particulier »
issued on November 8, 2010, in Jusletter (in collaboration with Pascal de Preux)
www.weblaw.ch - Julien Gafner
« L’entraide internationale en matière pénale et la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent »
in RSJ 2008 pp.29ss.
- Pascal de Preux
« Blanchiment d’argent financement du terrorisme et nouvelles technologies »
contribution presented and issued within the seminar ”E-banking et E-trading” held on February 15, 2006, by the Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise (CEDIDAC), University of Lausanne, 2007.
- Julien Gafner
We consult with individuals and legal entities on bribery and related investigations. Our experience includes assisting and representing clients in all types of bribery cases, including payment and acceptance of bribes, whether it concerns individuals, Swiss or foreign officials.
« Article 4a LCD »
(corruption privée) Commentaire romand de la loi contre la concurrence déloyale, Helbing Lichtenhahn, Bâle, 2017 (avec Bertrand Perrin).
- Pascal de Preux
« Nouveautés en matière de corruption privée »
in Expert Focus, December 2016.
- Pascal de Preux
« L’impact du droit européen sur le droit pénal matériel suisse dans le domaine de la criminalité économique »
in L'influence du droit européen en Turquie et en Suisse, 2015, pp. 335 ss (avec Bertrand Perrin).
- Pascal de Preux
« La responsabilité pénale de l’association : Principes et risques d’exposition du secteur sportif et du football en particulier »
in Jusletter du 8 novembre 2010 (in collaboration with Julien Gafner)
- Pascal de Preux
« Entreprise et Corruption : Risques et Responsabilité pénale »
in AJP/PJA 10/2010, pp. 1092 ss.
- Pascal de Preux
Criminal tax law
Major yet complex topic, criminal tax law comprises tax evasion and fraud, as well as money laundering stemming from tax fraud. We are adept at assisting clients facing tax criminal matters, which may have financial and criminal consequences in Switzerland or abroad.
Computer-related criminal law
Resolution Legal Partners represents and advises clients in matters related to the liability of the Internet service providers as well as in computer-related crimes, including hacking, fishing, unauthorized access to and fraudulent use of a computer system.
« Blanchiment d’argent financement du terrorisme et nouvelles technologies »
contribution presented and issued within the seminar ”E-banking et E-trading” held on February 15, 2006, by the Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise (CEDIDAC), University of Lausanne, 2007.
- Julien Gafner
Economic sanctions
We represent client in financial sanctions cases, in particular at an international level, within the scope of application of the Federal Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions, the Federal Act on the Freezing and the Restitution of Illicit Assets held by Foreign Politically Exposed Persons, and the Federal Act on the Proscription of the Groups “Al-Qaeda” and “Islamic State” and Associated Organizations.
International legal assistance in criminal matters
Our law firm has a strong track record in advising clients regarding international assistance in criminal matters and related proceedings. With a recognized expertise in said area, Resolution Legal Partners attorneys are adept at handling complex proceedings, in collaboration with international leading law firms as required.
« L’entraide internationale en matière pénale et la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent »
in RSJ 2008 pp.29ss.
- Pascal de Preux
« La présence du magistrat étranger en Suisse dans la procédure d’entraide internationale en matière pénale: Le cas particulier du triage de pièces »
in RSJ 2006 pp. 93 ss.
- Pascal de Preux
Offences against property
Our comprehensive experience in handling offences against property, including misappropriation and criminal mismanagement, allows us to assist and represent clients – individuals and corporations – in all types of criminal proceedings. We also represent clients in civil proceedings in relation to such offences. In addition, our expertise includes financial market infrastructure protection (insider trading, price and market manipulation).
« L’investigation en entreprise: Prévention et détection des fraudes »
sous la direction de Bertrand Perrin et Pascal de Preux, Lausanne, 2018
- Pascal de Preux
« Article 138 CP »
(abus de confiance), Commentaire romand du Code Pénal II, Helbing Lichtenhahn, Bâle, 2017 (avec Lyuska Hulliger).
- Pascal de Preux
« L’impact du droit européen sur le droit pénal matériel suisse dans le domaine de la criminalité économique »
in L'influence du droit européen en Turquie et en Suisse, 2015, pp. 335 ss (avec Bertrand Perrin).
- Pascal de Preux
« Responsabilité pénale du réviseur et faux dans les titres »
in Expert-comptable, 6-7, 2013, pp. 409 ss.
- Pascal de Preux
Investigations and internal inquiries
We advise businesses on the risks of fraud at all stages, which includes detection, prevention and investigation. We draft policies to ensure compliance primarily to prevent money laundering and corruption and conduct in-house investigations on behalf of our clients.
« L’investigation en entreprise: Prévention et détection des fraudes »
sous la direction de Bertrand Perrin et Pascal de Preux, Lausanne, 2018
- Pascal de Preux
Resolution Legal Partners is very well versed in terrorism law, in particular Swiss and international provisions on terrorism funding, which has been integrated into the anti-money laundering infrastructure. Within this framework, we advise individuals and financial companies concerned by such issues, in the light of criminal and administrative law.
« Le droit de la lutte anti-terroriste »
contribution drafted in collaboration with Professor Bertrand Perrin, University of Fribourg, Swiss Report for the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law (Vienna, 2014), in: Collection Publications de l’Institut suisse de droit comparé (ISDC, Lausanne), “Rapports suisses présentés au XIXe Congrès international de droit comparé – Swiss Reports Presented at the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law”, vol. 73, 2014.
- Julien Gafner
« L’incrimination du financement du terrorisme »
Collection “Recherches juridiques lausannoises”, Editions Schulthess, 2006.
- Julien Gafner
« Blanchiment d’argent financement du terrorisme et nouvelles technologies »
contribution presented and issued within the seminar ”E-banking et E-trading” held on February 15, 2006, by the Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise (CEDIDAC), University of Lausanne, 2007.
- Julien Gafner